Oh, Zuck It! How to Delete Everything off Facebook

Preparing To Delete All Information on Facebook

Facebook is an empire. They have over 2.3 billion users. They also faced a $5 billion settlement, a record-breaking amount, for breach of user privacy in 2019.

This is enough to give anyone pause. Perhaps even make you decide you’re going to ditch Facebook altogether. But, that’s not as easy as deleting the app from your phone or computer.

To make sure all your information is also erased from the Facebook database there are additional steps you need to take. Sick of your information feeding the machine?

Read on to find out how to delete everything off Facebook for good.

The Difference Between How to Deactivate Your Account vs How to Delete Everything off Facebook

If you’re on the fence about deleting your Facebook and think you might want to get it back at some point, deactivation is the way to go. Deactivating your Facebook allows for a few fail-safes in the event that you change your mind.

When you deactivate your Facebook you’ll still be able to:

  • Reactivate your Facebook account anytime you want
  • Keep your timeline and friends but not be searchable or viewable by any other users
  • Maintain Facebook’s access to your information and data which will all still be there when you decide to log back in

The main drawback to deactivating your account is that some of your data will still be available to see. Things like messages you’ve sent, and other direct interactions with other users, will remain visible. So, you won’t truly be eliminated from the Facebook landscape.

Zuck it! I Want It Gone

On the other hand, deleting your account means everything you have ever done on the platform goes away. It’s like you never existed in the Facebook world.

Bye-bye memories of 5 years ago. Goodbye, cute pictures of your daughter when she was just learning to crawl. See you later mushy threads between you and significant others of the past. They no longer exist.

But, none of your user data can be used for advertising and such either. No one will be able to find any trace of you on the monster of a data hoarding social media mecca. So, depending on the results you want it is a win for your privacy and a loss for Lord Zuck.

Here are the results of a deletion:

  • Facebook gives you a grace period where you can change your mind. Kind of like a forced “Why don’t you sleep on it, we know you’re addicted” sort of grace. You can reinstate simply by logging in again during this period.
  • As we said, there is no way to regain any of your Facebook data once the deletion is confirmed and the grace period has ended.
  • Your data won’t be fully wiped from the system and all of Facebook’s backup servers for about 90 days. However, none of it can appear in search results either
  • Some of the information, like messages you have sent, will remain visible because they aren’t technically stored in your account.
  • Facebook will keep copies of some of your data. But, they say all of your personal identifiers are removed from it. Take that with as big of a grain of salt as you’d like.

Still want to go through with it? Great. Let’s walk you through the process.

The Steps on How to Delete Everything Off Facebook

So, you’ve made the decision that complete disintegration is in your best interest. Cool. But, how do you accomplish it?

You’ve got to remember that this is a major step. Your social media presence is an expected thing across all parts of our modern lives. Future employers, new friendships, all may look at you, aghast when you say you have no Facebook account.

But, ok, ok you made up your mind.

Here are the steps on how to delete your existence from Facebook.

  1. Download your Facebook data in case you’re feeling nostalgic
    1. Click on “Settings” in your drop-down menu
    2. Scroll down and select “Download my Facebook Data” underneath the “Manage Account” menu
    3. Wait a few days to receive the information
  2. Make sure you “Clear Your History” so you don’t have any lingering Facebook data out there on the web
  3. Once you’ve got your backup, or if you don’t care about getting a backup, move onto step 3
  4. Finally, click on this link and select “Delete My Account”
  5. Confirm this is the route you want to take and let that grace period countdown start rolling

Once the grace period is over. That’s it, see ya Facebook, a life of freedom from the matrix begins. For a different take on how to accomplish this, check out https://setapp.com/how-to/permanently-delete-facebook.

Let Your Freedom From Facebook Begin

Now that you’ve decided to cut the cord, sit back and relax in the peaceful silence and bliss. No more notification bings from your phone, no more worrying about being tagged in a bad photo, and no more stress that your future boss may see those pictures from Cabo in 2012. 

Remember that internet privacy is your right but you must protect it. By reading carefully the terms and conditions of any, and every, site you sign up for you’ll know exactly what you’re getting into. Now that you’ve deleted Facebook don’t let your data get roped in by one of the countless other social media machines out there in the vast internet landscape.

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