How to Find the Best SEO Keywords for Your Website

SEO Keywords for Your Website

Did you know there are more than 1.87 billion websites online, with thousands more going live every minute?

Without proper search engine optimization (SEO), no one will ever find your website. There’s simply too much competition now. This is why it’s vital to find (and use) the best SEO keywords for your niche.

Of course, finding SEO keywords is easier said than done. Keep reading for some helpful tips to help with your keyword research.

What Are the Best SEO Keywords?

For your SEO results to be successful, you need to choose the right keywords. The three components to focus on are:

  • Relevance (how well and thoroughly your site answers the user’s question)
  • Search volume (how many people search for that term on a daily or monthly basis)
  • Competition (how difficult it is to rank well for the keyword)

Generally speaking, long-tail keywords are more relevant and easier to rank for than shorter, generic keywords.

As an example, you’ll never rank for the keyword “travel” — there’s too much competition. But a keyword like “best travel backpacks for teens” is targeted, specific, and likely to boost your SEO.

How to Do Keyword Research

So then, where do you find these magical SEO keywords for your site? Here are some popular tools you can use for keyword research.

1. Google Related Searches

Type in any search term and scroll to the bottom of Google’s SERPs. Here you’ll find a list of related terms that people use when looking for something similar to your query.

Using the same example above, you might find terms like “lightweight backpacks for travel” or “best travel bags 2021,” which you can use to optimize your site content.

2. Google Auto-Populate

When you start to type in a search term, Google will automatically make suggestions that complete your thought. For example, if you type in “travel,” Google may suggest long-tail phrases like “travel requirements Thailand” or “travel insurance companies.”

If some of these terms are related to your products, you can include these in your site content as well.

3. Google Keyword Planner

Even if you’re not planning to run paid Google advertisements, you can still use their free research tool to locate relevant keywords.

Simply type in your chosen keyword and you’ll instantly see valuable data to help you decide whether to use it. You’ll see the number of monthly searches and the suggested bid price for an ad, which reveals how competitive the keyword is.

4. Other Keyword Planning Tools

If you want to conduct more in-depth research, there are many tools (both free and paid) that will help. These include:

  • Google Analytics
  • Google Trends
  • Keywords Everywhere browser plug-in
  • Moz Keyword Explorer
  • Ahrefs Keyword Explorer
  • Ubersuggest

Finding SEO keywords takes time and effort, so don’t give up. You may need to cross-reference several sites and tools before you find the best SEO keywords for your niche.

SEO Tips and Tricks: Finding SEO Keywords

Search engine optimization is an ever-changing process, and finding the best SEO keywords is a vital component. Use the tips above for finding SEO keywords and you’ll soon enjoy the benefits of SEO.

Looking for more SEO tips and tricks? Need help with your online reputation management? Keep browsing our site for more helpful insight.