The advent of computer technology pushed the marketing sector into turbo-mode. But throw digital advertising into the mix, and the sector has bolted ahead of expectations, kind of like The Flash when he’s on a mission.
It may be that you’ve recently tried out a marketing campaign that didn’t work, but we’re here to help. For example, mobile marketing will account for an eye-watering 47.9% of total US ad spend by 2022! To get a slice of that sector pie you’ve got to keep your head in the game.
Want to know how? Well, don’t make the same mistakes you did last time! Here are 9 reasons your digital marketing strategy isn’t working.
1. You Lack Experience
The marketing industry is changing fast, and if you can’t keep up it could spell disaster for your campaign. It’s okay to be new at this – everyone has to start somewhere. The best thing to do is ask for help.
You can do this through learning as much as possible about online advertising via experts on the internet. However, if you’re struggling to keep all your balls in the air, a digital marketing company can help you get and keep your show on the road.
2. Your Content’s Kind of Sucky
We don’t mean to make you feel bad, but if your content’s below par, it could be a major reason why your campaign is failing. Quality content is vital to digital advertising because it’s your online, virtual ‘voice’.
And it’s not just the subject matter and information that’s important. You need to have a writing style appropriate to your target market. For example, if you’re marketing to teens then stuffy, overly academic language is going to seriously put them off.
3. You Haven’t Invested in SEO
SEO is one of the most powerful digital marketing tools in a business toolkit, so if you’re missing it, you’re missing out. If you didn’t know, SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation, and it basically scores you Brownie points with Google.
SEO involves creating the high-quality content we discussed above and uses keywords and other fairy dust that search engines love. And don’t ever underestimate the importance of good English (or Spanish, or French, or Klingon).
Good spelling, punctuation, and grammar will substantiate your claim to expertise, and boost your reputation.
4. You’re Not Interacting With Your Current Clients
Your current client-base is even more important than the millions of potential customers in the ether. They’re real and tangible, and reachable. It’s likely that if you have their business, you already have their email address and contact information.
Learn more about things like account-based marketing, where you basically create a tailored marketing strategy for each customer. Suggest products and services that may interest them. That way, you’ll show you care and grow your business at the same time.
5. You’re Posting Too Often
Okay, so you’ve got your campaign churning out the posts, and tweets and blogs, but you’re still getting nowhere. The problem may be that your eagerness to raise your profile is making you look desperate.
Also, bombarding your readers with too much information could leave them feeling claustrophobic and smothered. Instead, reduce your post frequency and focus on – here it is again – the quality of your content, to reel in the readers.
6. You’re Inconsistent
Do you work in bursts of creativity, and get bummed out when that writer’s block bites? Problem is, potential clients will probably forget all about you in the long periods of silence, which kind of defeats the object.
Instead, get a schedule together. If you get a creative burst, it’s fine to write articles or create posts by the dozen. But don’t publish them all at once. Space them out to weekly, bi-weekly, monthly and even quarterly increments to keep your readers hooked.
7. You Have No End-Game
If you’re not working towards a fixed goal or purpose with your marketing campaign, then you’ll never be successful. Why? Well, how will you know it’s been a success if you don’t know what it’s supposed to bag you?
In the conception phase of your marketing strategy, clearly outline your goal for that particular campaign. Do you want to reach X number of new followers? Or Y number of new website sales? Aiming for a target focuses your mind and your campaign.
8. You’re Being Too Pushy
Aggressive, traditional marketing is dead. What worked 50 years ago just isn’t going to cut the mustard today. The consumers of today don’t want things shoved in their face every 5 minutes (popups and spam, we’re looking at you).
Instead, today’s consumer prefers to be educated, and make their own decisions on the products they buy, or the services they use. Don’t push your business down people’s throats and get offended if they don’t bite.
Instead, become an educator and show them why they should choose your company, rather than the competition.
9. You’ve Knocked Your Reputation
The bottom line in business is, you’re only as good as your reputation. If you undermine your clients’ trust, or disappoint them in some way and don’t address that, then your marketing strategy is doomed.
If you make a mistake, issue an apology. If you realize a business practice isn’t proving popular, change it and tell the world. And if you don’t know how to improve your reputation, contact the experts to salvage yours before it’s too late.
Fix Your Digital Advertising Strategy
Digital advertising is huge and still snowballing, so you need to up your game to keep up to speed with that massive ball of ice. The good news is, if you fix your digital marketing strategy, the rewards could far outweigh the investment.
Invest in SEO, get help from those in the know, and set realistic goals so you know exactly what you want to achieve from your campaign. Go for quality over quantity, and build a knock-out reputation.
When your reputation is strong, your marketing will be more effective and from there, the sky’s the limit. To that end, here are 9 positive marketing tips to help attract more clients.