5 Easy Online Reputation Management Tools for Your Health Insurance Business

online reputation management toolsA staggering 90 percent of people check online reviews before doing business with a company.

With this in mind, what are people seeing when they Google your business?

To control your brand, you need to control your online reputation. Thankfully, there are plenty of online reputation management tools that keep you in the game.

Take heed of the tips below to create a winning reputation for your business.

The Top Online Reputation Management Tools

#1: A Free Reputation Results Audit

To control your reputation, you need to first and foremost understand where you stand.

Reaching out for a free reputation results audit reveals exactly what the web is saying about your brand.

This is a win-win situation. You don’t pay a dime, and you can touch base with a reputation management company that can tackle the problems piece by piece.

When people Google you, they need to see that you’re on top of your game. This reputation results audit scours the net for problem areas and helps you rectify the situation.

#2: A Site That Grades Your Brand

Nixing bad reviews is one thing, but you also need an all-encompassing look at your brand as a whole.

If you understand your brand recognition, ROI and other important factors, you’ll be able to continuously tweak them until you get the best results. And the more your brand gets out, the more people will share it.

This is important since studies show that 92 percent of people give credence to recommendations from others. When you get the word on your brand out, your followers will do the rest of the work for you.

#3: A Competitor Research Tool

This is a platform that shows you how your reputation is performing when compared to your competitors.

You’ll be able to not only tweak your brand but also communicate more effectively with customers. For instance, if you run a Medicare supplement agency, getting an edge on other Medicare supplement companies can shape the healthcare information you put out to the public.

This way, you’ll have the chance to jump on trends and stay ahead of the game.

#4: Google Alerts

Google is still king when it comes to online reputation.

This is one of the best online reputation management tools you can turn to because it brings you alerts and information from all over pertaining to your business.

You’ll see where you stand within the industry and can take the proper steps to bolster your reputation. Make sure to customize your Google Alerts to go to the device and address that lets you best use the information to your advantage.

#5: A Social Media Search Tool

This reputation management tool lets you know where you stand among blogs and social media platforms.

A social media search tool is worth its weight in gold since social media posts spread like wildfire and shape perspective about your brand. It’s crucial that you use this tool whenever you need to stay out in front of any criticisms, erroneous information, or misconceptions.

Hire A Reputation Management Company

In addition to using these reputation management tools, it’s critical that you get professional one-on-one help, too.

We staff professionals that can take your brand to new levels. Contact us to take advantage of our reputation services today.