How to Use Video Websites Like YouTube to Promote Your Brand

video websites like youtubeVideo content is a vital tool when you want to bring in traffic and promote your brand.

Simply put, people today can’t get enough video content.

YouTube alone gets 1.5 billion views per month and this number is continuously growing.

As you can probably imagine, there’s a world of potential in front of you when you learn how to make quality videos to promote your brand. Using video websites like YouTube should be at the forefront of every company’s marketing strategy.

Let’s take a look below to see how this can be helpful to you.

Use Video Websites Like YouTube To Vlog

When you’re looking to embrace video websites like YouTube, the best thing to do is start a vlog.

Think of a vlog as an ongoing conversation with your viewers.

People love seeing the journey, so you get to show behind the scenes footage that explains what you do, while also providing valuable information.

When you create valuable YouTube content and give it out in the form of a vlog, people will subscribe and follow all your activities.

Make sure that you set up a niche focus for your vlog, in addition to publishing content regularly, setting goals, and making it a two-way conversation by seeking and responding to comments.

Provide How-To’s And Other Informational Video

It’s one thing to create video content, but you’ll truly win by creating video content that is actionable.

No matter your focus, make sure to sprinkle in videos that teach people. Whether you’re posting how-to’s, or frequently asked question videos, evergreen content that teaches is always a winner.

This is the type of video that many people will find useful, which brings more traffic and attention to your brand.

Share And Embed Your Links

To really gain some traction using video websites like YouTube, make your content as shareable as possible.

Make your videos public and ask for shares, comments, likes, and subscriptions every time you post.

Most importantly, focus on the quality of your video so that you’re creating something that people will want to share.

This website is an example of a company that provides valuable, shareable content since they always have the latest movies.

Do plenty of your own sharing, so that your brand becomes more search engine optimized. Embedding your videos on your blog, social media, and other sites is a great way to accomplish this.

Choose The Best Video Keywords

You need to make your video easier to find by using the best keywords.

Working with a marketing company can help you figure out which phrases are most likely to draw in traffic. Stay tuned to current events and use trends to get more attention.

Incorporate these keywords both in your title and in the tag section when posting your video content.

Constantly Check Your Results

If you really want to get the most out of your video content branding, you need to check and double check your results.

You can do that by reaching out to us for a free audit of your web content.

Get in touch with us today to learn more about how we can help you build your brand using techniques and hard data.